Sunday, September 8, 2024

Happy 8 years, Anna!

Anna is EIGHT!

Weight: 65 lbs (76%)
Height: 4' 4" (75%)

Clothing: 8/10

Shoes: size 2

Likes: singing, dancing, snuggling, listening to a story, sparkly purple

An Anna Day:

7:00am Anna comes down first thing and is a sleepy snuggly girl. She often feels a lot of decision fatigue at breakfast, but loves Lucky Charms on weekends and scrambled eggs during the week.

Morning: During the summer it is all about playing with the neighbors. She loves dancing and singing and pretending, and she does not love cleaning up or feeling overwhelmed by a task.

Lunch: She keeps things pretty simple. A PB&J folder is a favorite. With fruit or chips would be the best.

Afternoon: More friend time! Or alone time to sing and dance!

Dinner: Anna loves to pray at dinner. She either loves or hates what we have to eat. No in-between! Her favorite would be mac and cheese.

7:00pm: She has a little reading time at night, where she loves to listen to a story on her Yoto or read her Bible. She usually falls right to sleep!

How we celebrated:
Anna had some friends over for a sparkly purple birthday party on her birthday. Sarah technically hosted and they enjoyed cake, made bracelets, played freeze dance, and shot silly string. We are thankful for sweet friends!

Fun Facts:
- Anna was baptized!
- She played another season of soccer . . . and determined she could live without it! 🤣 Best ponytail on the field!
- She LOVED her first time sledding, once she got used to the idea.
- Anna experience her 2nd total solar eclipse, but the first that she remembers. 

A Chronological Look at the Past Year:

Coffeeshop-school > Homeschool

Total eclipse at home!

Practicing jumping in the pool before swim lessons