Here we are again! Monthly updates really do come around so quickly. We are now a quarter of the way through Josiah's first year. Dave says that it feels like he has been part of our family forever, while I feel like we have been home from the hospital about a month. Most people who don't know us assume he is much older than he really is, because he is such a big boy. The funny thing is that he is proportionally big, so he doesn't seem to have as many rolls as Sarah did even though he is much larger. We love our growing boy!
Weight: ?
Length: ?
Head: ?
Diaper: size 3
Clothing: 3-6 month, but this is mostly because my heart can't bear to move on to 6 month and leave all these cute little man clothes behind!
Likes: smiling at Sarah, being talked to, fans, bath time (including splashing), chewing on things, drooling
Dislikes: being startled, Sarah crying (he cries too...then mayhem ensues)
Schedule: Ahh, routine. How we do love thee. The day after his 2 month check up, where we saw he had gained a pound a week since birth, we moved him from a 3 hour to 3.5 hour schedule. He woke up early for his first feeding for about a week after the change, but made the move from 6 to 5 feedings without too much fanfare. In the last few days he has somewhat naturally moved to a 4 hour schedule and I am all about that! This is what we are doing right now.
7 am: Wake and nurse
7-8 am: Wake time
8-11am: Nap
11am: Wake and nurse
11-12 pm: Wake time
12-3 pm: Nap
3 pm: Wake and nurse
3-4 pm: Wake time
4-7 pm: Nap
7 pm: Wake and nurse and back to bed not much later
9:30 pm: Dream feed and right back to bed
Fun things: Josiah is becoming somewhat conversational, which is super fun. I love to see his little personality developing. He also likes it when I sing, which means I have a fan club of one! I'll take it :) He is super drooly, or as Sarah likes to say, "Baby dripping!" I don't think he is teething, thankfully. We swaddle him with both arms out right now. I haven't tried lately to drop the swaddle completely. The one day I did try he let me know he likes a little something over his legs. Message received, buddy! He is already beginning to grow out of his transportable, nap anywhere stage. It hasn't stopped us too much and he gets so much sleep otherwise that we don't hesitate to miss a nap when we need to. Ice cream runs are important! For a few weeks he wouldn't take his pacifier, but for the last few days has accepted it again. Whew!
Next appointment: Friday, September 7, 10:50am (changed from the last monthly update)
This is Dave's favorite outfit on Josiah |
In his fishing hat at village day (his being-woken-from-a-nap look) |
At 12 weeks |
Happy boy! |
Dave named this picture "What up, Josiah" |
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Shout out in the neighborhood newsletter! |
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Sometimes a boy needs two thumbs |
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Sometimes he really needs two thumbs! |
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I think this looks like a shirt Dave would wear |
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Sometimes Sarah asks to hold Josiah :) |
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"Sometimes I need to air my neck out..." |
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"...because there is no circulation under all my chins!" |