Thursday, September 7, 2023

Happy 9 years, Lydia!

 She is NINE!

Weight: 81 lbs (86%)
Height: 4' 6.25" (74%)
Clothing size: 8/10
Shoe size: 3

Likes: being with friends, creating a show, dancing, reading, empathizing


7am Lydia is regularly the first one down in the morning. She is very self sufficient and likes routine.

Morning: School time! This year Lydia added Essentials (CC's grammar and writing program) to her school day. She continues to have an extra sharp memory.

Lunch: Lydia loves leftovers.

Afternoon: Finishing up school and chores, then playing with the neighbors.

Dinner: Lydia loves mac and cheese, likes fruit and veg, and doesn't love meat. She is good at choosing to eat what is good for her even if she doesn't love it. 

7pm Time for bed. She enjoys lots of reading time before falling asleep.

Fun facts:
 - Lydia took a homeschool dance class. Each month they learned new dances, picked out new costumes form the costume closet at the studio, and performed at a local nursing home.
- Fun baking was a favorite activity when friends came over.
- She took to her new bike easily. Lydia has had more big falls than any of the others, and is quickest to dust herself off, put a bandaid on, and go again!
- Her CC class was all girls- so fun!

A Chronological Look at the Past Year

Trying on Mom's old costumes

At the Statehouse supporting Dad as he prayed