Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy 7 months!

It seems like this month we have really settled into a nice routine. Experience tells me that this probably means we have something exciting on the horizon to shake things up. We look forward to it all!

Weight: 19.5 lbs ...ish
Height: we keep raising the jumper, so she must have done some good growing recently
Head: ?
Diaper: Size 3
Clothes: The 9 month clothes fit very well. Sarah can still wear 6 month, but they may not last too much longer. We look forward to wearing a spring wardrobe soon!
Likes: touching things (everything), car seat being snapped into the car, repetition, babbling, belly kisses, tethers, the wind, leaning left

Dislikes: playing alone after playing with Mom or Dad, sun in her eyes (who can blame her!), avocado, having her nose wiped

Schedule: Essentially this is the same as last month.

7:30 Nurse and rice cereal
9:00 Nap
11:30 Nurse and sweet potatoes/squash/green beans
1:00 Nap
3:30 Nurse and oatmeal cereal
4:45-5:30 Nap
7:00 Nurse and in bed by 8:00

Sleep: Sarah is such a good sleeper. As new parents, we found early on that there are seemingly millions of theories on parenting. Sleep training was one of the ideas we decided was important to investigate. As a tired, nursing mom, I knew this was going to be a key to success, as well as survival. While we endured some crying early on, Sarah does so well when we put her down. If she does wake up (usually because we make a loud noise- oops!), she is really good about getting herself back to sleep. We are so thankful!

Solids: Sarah is now a big fan of her sweet potatoes, squash, and cereal. She especially likes the afternoon cereal that has the peach flavored fluoride drops! This month we tired (and failed) with avocado, but have had relative success with pureed green beans. Sarah has been a good sport, as they are much lumpier than the orange vegetables. I often mix the green beans with squash or sweet potatoes so that the good taste might mask the new texture. Anyone inspired? A new side dish, perhaps?! :)

Crawling: Hasn't happened yet. Really, we aren't sure how to help her learn without any good rugs. We usually put her on a blanket on the floor, but it slides. Sarah does maneuver very well on her tummy, though she doesn't spend much time up on her knees. This may be our next milestone! (Or it could be months away!!)

Teething: Hopefully the teeth will come even sooner than the crawling. Sarah continues to show all the classic signs. She has a runny nose, rubs her gums with her tongue, and has a unique, pained cry. We check for teeth every morning!

Strangers: Sarah has recently been spending more time studying strangers before she smiles at them. A church member came by this weekend and Sarah actually cried when she saw her. Yikes! This is new and hopefully fairly short lived. She doesn't (yet) have trouble with the nursery or other people holding her. It is pretty interesting to see her begin to evaluate the world around her!

Sickness: We fought our first yucky nose last week. Everyone said it was just teething, but for a few days I'm pretty sure it was something more. Her nose was full! It didn't disrupt her playing and didn't give her a temperature, but she had a hard choice to make when it was time to nurse or take a pacy (you can't breath out of your mouth and suck!). She also threw up for the first time while trying avocado. Thankfully, it didn't phase her one bit.

Event: Sarah is going to her first birthday party this Saturday. Penny, one of her friends from nursery, is turning one!

Some friends from church brought this bear out after dinner. Sarah really enjoyed his soft fur.

We're just sitting up, playing with our doll!

When we moved into the house a kind church member gave us a baby sled. This was just before Sarah went for her first ride. She liked it...mostly. We may have enjoyed it more than she did :)

Sometimes the tag on the boppy is the best toy a girl can get her hands on.

This video may technically be from last month, but we wanted to share a peek of Sarah enjoying one of her favorite activities. Since this time it has become a staple in our day. (We have also moved it up several notches!)

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