Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We had the good fortune to spend some time with a couple of our neighbors recently. They are a kind couple who are very involved in the neighborhood association and local county. I expect they will be a great asset through the years. Of course, Sarah loves them. They also seem quite fond of her. :)

Dave had the quick thinking to invite them in for tea after we spent some time seeing their property. This lead to more great conversation, though one thing was quite sad. It seems that Saturday evening the police were at the house across from them and around the corner from us. An older man lived there by himself and had not been responding to his regular lawn man. The police found him passed from natural causes.

We are thankful for this good conversation and look forward to getting to know many of our neighbors. Today it was warm enough to take a walk. As the weather warms, we look forward to more walks and more good conversations.

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