Monday, June 20, 2011

Mississippi 2011: Part 1

It's ironic that when there is so much going on to tell everyone about, there is so little time to tell it! We have all sorts of things to update you on, like our trip to Mississippi, our trim painting marathon, our summertime fun, and Grandma Lynda's visit. But we'll start by catching you up with a few posts about our vacation down to Mississippi last month.

We don't like spending much time apart, but we decided it would be best if Emily flew down a few days early while I finished the week's duties at church. This way she could attend both of the weddings going on around that time while I only had to take one week's vacation.

So Emily and Sarah flew down and I lived the bachelor life for a few days. Although I must admit it was a bit of an idealized bachelor life, as she left me stocked with lasagna and a very clean house. Much of the hours were spent sleeping in, playing guitar loudly, reading in the sun room, and having dinner with the neighbors. I was able to fill it with enjoyable things, but I still would have rather been with my girls!

Meanwhile, Emily attended the wedding of her childhood and college friend Grayson Luther, took Sarah to her first baseball game (giving her a chance to wear her cheerleader uniform,) and visited Grandma.

Grandmama, Sarah, and Emily Cheering on the Southern Miss Eagles

Sarah Seeing Grandma (Emily's Father's Mother) for the Second Time

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