Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Howells Come To Visit

My parents had the opportunity to visit in March while my Mom had her spring break. We thought we would share some of our photo documentation of the good time that was had by all.

(You might note that no one was on a diet this vacation- we ate very well all week long!)

We went for a beach walk one chilly day. Very quiet this time of year.

Dad had a birthday, so, naturally, we ate angel food cake and custard.

With the warm spring we had it was great weather for Sarah to take anyone willing to offer a finger on laps (and laps and laps) around the house.

We had a Bloomin' Onion, among other things, at Outback on Dad's actual birthday.

Sarah was getting ready to take off...almost!

Before birthday dinner.

All of us. Plus a few paint samples (none of which made the cut). And Sarah pointing to make sure that we didn't miss the blinking light. It's the little things that are most exciting in life :)

Pre-birthday dinner. Lobster and shrimp.

These guys had names :)

While the lobster and shrimp were the stars, we also had fish and sausage, all cooked on the grill (AKA the Black Lemon).


  1. Angel food cake + custard = heaven on earth.

    Belated happy birthday to Emily's Dad.

  2. I think I gained weight, just looked at that delicious food. Glad you all had such a good time. Sarah really was getting her legs strong to take off on her own.

    Hope the next few days of waiting go fast. Love, Grandma Lynda
