Monday, October 14, 2013

First Haircuts

We had been contemplating giving Sarah her first haircut for quite some time, just to neaten it up. But she never completely needed one, so we never actually did it. That is, until Josiah actually did need one. Once his hair started coming in, it wanted to come in more in the back than in the front. Soon, a mullet was coming. 

Sarah's was long enough that she would still have long hair after a good trim, so we decided to spend an afternoon getting haircuts for Josiah, Sarah, and Daddy.  

We were quite nervous, as Sarah is still afraid of quite a few things and generally anything surprising. We knew there would be hair driers. scissors, and that some of her hair would fall off her head. Sounds like a nightmare to a three-year-old. So we let her watch Josiah get his cut first.

Jen, capable with both shears and children, gave Josiah a comb to play with. He combed his own hair a little and then seemed to be ok with her doing whatever she did with it.

Not long after it began, he was done! The back cleaned up nicely.

So now it was time for Sarah. We had prayed a lot that it wouldn't be a terrifying experience for her. It started off well enough. She was quite excited to get a purple cape.

Though she was a little timid, it became clear that she could handle it. So Jen went to work.

By the end, Sarah had become so comfortable that she didn't even get scared when Ms. Jen pulled out the hair drier. Usually she can't bear the sight of one, but this time she even got her own hair blown dry.

And now she walks around with nice crisp hair. And can't wait to get her hair cut again, of course!

Afterwards Emily and the kids went shopping while Daddy got his trim. Why nobody photographed that, we'll never know. Either way, we're thankful Sarah had a good time. Now let's just hope she doesn't like the idea of a haircut a little too much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I had no idea Josiah had so much hair in the back. Glad Sarah was comfortable. She is growing up!

    Grandma Lynda
