Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy 3 years, Josiah!

Something about Josiah turning three sure makes me feel old. And makes me feel like my kids are growing up. Alas, watching them turn into little people has been a blessing and tons of fun. This little boy loves to laugh and loves to make people laugh, especially Lydia. He is also focused and furrows his brow when he is devoted to a project. I savor these days immensely and look forward to how the Lord might use these gifts and this personality he is developing!

Weight: 39 lbs (96%)
Height: 40 in (95%)
Diaper: size 5 and potty trained (should be a 6, but I'm cheap :))
Clothing: 3T/4T, shoe size 9.5

Likes: digging in the dirt, playing in the sand, climbing at the playground, cars, "monies", singing, making "crafts" (if it involves any combo of glue, stickers, scissors, or tape, it becomes a craft), frolicking with friends, family games

Dislikes: being out too many mornings in a row, going to sleep at bedtime, having his hair washed

Schedule: Josiah comes down with Sarah around 7:15am most mornings. He naps at 1pm most days, but I think we are seeing the very beginning of the inevitable end to nap time. When he doesn't nap, he isn't as content as Sarah to just play in his room, but I think that is because he feels like he is missing out. Once it is a little less regular I will talk to him about intentionally reading and playing, but right now I want him to be intentional about sleeping! A perk to not napping will be an easier time falling asleep at night. He and Sarah go to bed around 7pm and he has gotten in the habit of getting out of bed and playing if he doesn't fall to sleep right away. We are working to nip this habit!

Eating: He is a great eater and drinks way more water than Sarah does. Favorites are green peppers, mashed potatoes, PB&J, grapes, and string cheese. Really any fruit or cheese would make a list of favorites :) Like anyone in our family, he loves a treat!

Communication: He hasn't had a breakthrough phase in his speech lately, but he does very well. Josiah still has some swapped up sentence structure that we can't convince him to straighten out (but it is super cute and so genuine). He loves to sing and his favorite bedtime song since the Easter season is Christ is Risen by Matt Maher.

Potty Training: Josiah does really well and is very self sufficient. I still put a diaper on him at nap and bed time, but no longer when we are in the car or nursery. With all the water he drinks I suspect this may continue for a while!

Next appointment: May 10, 2016 at 9:30am

I told him Blue Dog had to stay on the stairs. He could work with that :) 

Puppets at the library

We are beginning to get glimpses of the special relationship Josiah and Lydia will have as peers. He is so good to her. While the rest of us parent her, Josiah is the one who plays with her (and occasionally is baffled by her) like a sibling.

He was at a really fun age for Christmas traditions this year

We made LOTS of pretzel rolo pecan bites and Josiah was all business when it came to helping unwrap the candy. I think they are unwrapping kisses in this picture, probably for peanut butter kiss cookies.

We visited Gillette stadium and the pro shop. Only in New England do you find (or need!) a football helmet toboggan :)

The train table at Barnes and Noble is probably Josiah's favorite adventure out and about.

He has gotten very into family games. Doesn't always have the attention span to finish them, but Jenga is usually pretty quick (though longer than you might expect!).

Helping mommy cook, aka playing with the magnets

He isn't going to miss a thing, especially if Dad is involved!

Backyard snow play

He asked me to take this picture when he finished the puzzle :)

We are trying at home haircuts for a while. This was the product of the first attempt!

Playing in the snow with the baby bath tub :) After so many blizzards one has to get a little creative!

While Dad was away he helped me make monkey bread. Yum!

Our slide on the side of the driveway. See the video at the end!

How thankful I am that they have one another.

We went to see the ice at Wellfleet down the Cape.

I was pretty positive he was going to fall in  :)

Practicing for Palm Sunday. He didn't end up singing, but he loved learning the songs.

When you wear a measuring tape around your neck you get to be a doctor

Palm Sunday practice with the big kids :)

Celebrating Dad and kicking off the birthday season

He helped me plant Easter flowers one evening right after the snow melted and I let him stay out and play in the garden dirt until bed time. He was enthralled!

He asked me to take this picture of the cross that he made :)

Sharing their sucker

Looking for herring

Water beads!

He was sliding down the bank on his backside, so I was quite surprised to watch him go head first through the camera as I videoed him. It had us both tickled!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it sounds like he has surpassed Eli on weight and height, and especially shoe size! We can't wait to see you again, Josiah!
