Monday, September 7, 2020

Happy 6 years, Lydia!

Oh what a year with our darling Lydia. Before our eyes she is making the transition from little kid to big kid, and what a delightful big kid she is proving to be.

Weight: 60 lb
Height: 3' 11"
Clothing: 6-7T
Shoe: size 13

Likes: biking, reading, cooking, praying for dinner, showers


7am Lydia begins her day bright eyed and bushy tailed. She is a very social eater, which makes her a great breakfast companion, albeit slow breakfast eater. She tolerates milk and banana, but enjoys cereal and really enjoys a hot breakfast.

9am School begins! Lydia is an efficient student and very teachable. She has taken to reading extremely well and is flying through our curriculum. Her favorite subject is reading.

12:00 Lydia is a savory sandwich girl. She currently loves tomato sandwiches since they are in season. Other times of year she makes turkey and cheese or a salad.

1:00-3pm Rest time! Lydia has become a voracious reader. She also enjoys playing with legos and doing sticker and coloring crafts.

3pm The kids reconvene to catch up on any loose ends or play. Whenever possible they play outside with neighbors. 

5:30ish Dinner. I appreciate that Lydia is willing to let her mind be changed about food. She is opinionated, but not picky. And quick to give praise when a meal is a hit! She loves mac and cheese and veggies and hummus.

7pm Lydia loves to get ready for bed as soon as dinner is over. She has a pretty detailed personal routine at the end of the day that includes a slew of kisses, rightly tucked blankets, and spontaneous song writing. 

Fun things:
- Lydia took ballet again this summer and was one of only two girls in her class. It was a great experience and she has lovely ballet form.
- She is a fantastic reader- I think it is advantage of having older siblings as models! She is already rocking and rolling on Level 3 (of 4) of our reading curriculum. Magic Tree House books are her current obsession.
- Lydia was baptized as part of our outdoor service on Sunday, September 6. People honked and cheered- it was a special moment!
- She learned to ride her bike without training wheels during quarantine. 
- Lydia lost her first tooth just before her birthday!

A Chronological Look At the Past Year

Her year began with a trip to the seminary fall festival.
The theme celebrated the moon landing, which was super fun!

Flamingo shirt, flamingo background!

She has had great Sunday school teachers.

Pink girlies on a donut date while the big kids were at piano.

Her first allowance- a privilege that begins at five!


Our Classical Conversations class on dress up day.

As a kindergartener, she got to attend the American Girl tea party with Sarah.

Reading activity fun!

Xmas cookies!

Chick Fil A school was our favorite kind of school!

St. Nicolas Day.
This picture captures the pure beauty of Lydia's heart.

Always moving :)

She got to choose her handwriting sentence.
"I finished my math book."

At the Creation Museum.
Lydia was quite taken with this depiction of Mary.

She gave Anna purple play dough, such a thoughtful gift!

A lego depiction of her Sunday school lesson on Daniel's friends in the furnace.  
It was layered with meaning.

She finished Level 1!

One of our last times in the CFA play place.

A field trip to see the Indy symphony.

Chalk messages of appreciation in March.

Mo Willems drawing videos were a favorite.
This was "dress up" day.

Finishing up our CC year at home.
This was bridges week.

And then we had towers week.

We celebrated Easter at home, but still got to do one of our favorite traditions- stomp the dragon!

So much time this year she was in my lap reading to me.

I thinned through my T-shirt stash and passed along this dance shirt to my girl-in-motion.

In the background is one of our porch bunnies.
She was giving us a documentary style lecture on him :)

Bike rider!

We were so thankful to be able to do a few summer activities.
She was one of two girls in her class.

First library card!!!

1st day of 1st grade
American history year!

Reading activities :)

She lost her first tooth!!!

New normal is mask, face shield, and social distancing.
Old normal is PJ day at CC :)

Jaggers for birthday dinner!

Baptism to kick off her new year!!!

What a wonderful year with our Lou!

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