Monday, March 9, 2015

Happy 6 months, Lydia!

Six months! It has been six months since Lydia was born! Half a year since I had a bit of back pain and sent Dave off to work. Half a year since we saw our baby girl on the ultrasound monitor sucking her knuckles. She has blossomed from our infant to our baby and we are enjoying every moment as she continues to grow from our baby into our little girl. But we're not ready for her to be a little girl just yet :) We still need our baby snuggles for the moment!

Weight: 21 lbs 9.5 oz (99%)
Height: 27.75 in (98%)
Head: 17 in (77%)

Diapers: size 4 and cloth
Clothing: 12 and 18 month (torso length is the issue)

Likes: blowing bubbles, jumping in the jumper, splashing in the bath, holding and chewing toys
Dislikes: Dave putting her to bed

Schedule: We continue to fluctuate between a 3 or 4 hour schedule throughout our day. I would say we most often end up with the 4 hour schedule, so that is what I'll share below. We have held onto each of her naps and the dream feed this month, but I predict they will both go in the next month or two.

7:00am Awake for the day!   Nurse
8:30-11am   Nap
11am   Nurse
1:00-3pm   Nap
3pm   Nurse
5:30-7pm   Nap
7pm   Nurse
7:30 or 8pm   Back down for bed
9:30 or 10pm   Dream feed and down for the night!

Sleep: Lydia continues to consistently sleep through the night- praise the Lord! We are all better for it. She often sleeps on her tummy now. We still put her down on her back, but she loves to flip. She also still loves both her thumb and paci. When we are out and about she doesn't nap so much anymore, but tends to make up for it when we get back to the comfort of home.

Physically: Lydia is all over any room she is in these days. Her method is a slow and steady combo of backwards crawling, rocking on her knees, rolling, and spinning. She has loved being in her jumper and has started sitting up when supported. Her hands seem to always be on the move and are ready to grab anything within reach and then put it in her mouth. Her mouth is not only chewing, but also making lots of sweet sounds. She loves to talk back to Sarah and Josiah now and especially enjoys using her voice when she is chewing on a toy.

Food: We gave Lydia her first bite of solids a couple of weeks ago and she was not a fan. To be fair, the introduction was somewhat ill timed, as her favorite trick at the time was buzzing her lips. So anytime the spoon went in she started buzzing and out went the peas. We look forward to trying again soon, maybe with the more traditional rice cereal this time :)

Next appointment: Monday, June 8 at 8:30 am

What's that noise?

Oh, just Lydia chewing on her seat.

She could write a novel with her eyebrows.

Sweet boy :)

It's jumper time!

I may not trust the camera, but I do love Daddy :)

Cheesy gals :) 

More peas?

No thank you!