Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy 5 years, Sarah!

Just as Sarah entered into an exciting whirlwind of life at her birth, her fifth birthday came upon us at a remarkably similar time in life as we were preparing to accept a position that would have us moving back to KY, the place of Sarah's birth. When she was born five years ago we were scared. (I remember having a good cry because I didn't think we would be able to provide her with books. How I wish that Emily could see the bookshelves in our home!) We were in the process of interviewing seriously with OBC and considering a move a long way from home and even farther from family. We were dreaming about what she would look like, sound like, and be like.

It was impossible then to even begin to imagine the joy we have today in our Sarah girl. We just wouldn't have been able to handle it. But as she has grown, so has our love for her and our delight in her beyond anything we could have known!

Weight: 45lbs 8oz (81%)
Height: 44in (79%)
Clothes: 5T/6T
Shoe: size 11

Likes: coloring, teasing, singing, eating treats, mothering, pretending (being a doctor, baby, character, etc), VBS, crafting

Dislikes: a change to the plan (she comes by it honestly), flying bugs

A day in the life:

7:18am: Sarah comes downstairs (7am on her clock . . . we haven't synched it lately!)
             Breakfast- usually milk, banana, and then either cheesy eggs, cereal, or a bagel
             Gets dressed

Morning: We usually are out of the house for an activity at church, meeting friends, or running some sort of errands. If we are at home she likes to pick an activity from the art closet or play something with Josiah.

Lunch: Sarah's favorite lunch in a peanut butter and nutella sandwich. Her favorite veggie is a green pepper and she hasn't met a fruit she doesn't love. Most often we have apples, berries, or peaches.

1:00pm: She goes up for a nap. She still stays down and quiet until around 2:00 and then plays with dress up clothes, her kitchen, or books until 3:00.

Afternoon: The kids head outside to ride bikes, swing, hang out in the "house", and play with chalk.

Dinner: We are thankful to eat together most days. Sarah usually leads the conversation and is happy to eat what is provided.

Bedtime: Sometimes a bath and story, always a prayer and song. I think singing together is one of our favorite times of the day! Sarah's favorite songs are classic hymns such as the Doxology, Solid Rock, and There is a Fountain.

Random, but fun:
*Sarah doesn't talk with her hands as much as she used too, but she is still very expressive, especially with her eyes.
*She is a very emotional being, which I think with be one of her defining qualities. It leads both to broken hearts and the most contagious joy and excitement. I especially enjoy the way her sensitivity leads her to celebrate and comfort those around her.
*We had a great year with group activities. Sarah was part of AWANA over the past year and this summer participated in VBS, swim lessons, and a ballet class. She took instruction well, loved being part of the group, and grew in knowledge!

A chronological look at the past year:

A first of many pictures that she requested with her sister.

She loved dressing herself this year.

Halloween! The exciting conclusion of a month of weddings.

They loved making Christmas candy with me.

Can you spot Sarah singing with the children during advent?

We went to tea with the Everson women before Christmas. Sarah has her own kitten tea pot with lemonade.

Pretty Pretty Princess

We were very into games this year.

Snow day book time.

Sarah loves dressing up!

For international night at AWANA Sarah represented India in honor of our friends who serve there :)

Being doctors.

She also sang with the children for Palm Sunday.

Sharing a sucker :)

Lots of music this year!

It's good to have a little brother!

They remodeled the local Wendy's- it is Sarah's favorite :)

First day of summer ballet class.

Last day of VBS.

Happy 5th birthday!!!

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