Friday, January 8, 2010

First Baby Portrait

Emily and the baby are still healthy, and the first trimester is almost over.  We haven't got much to report, but we thought you might want to see its first portrait.  Here is Baby Cook on December 15th: 

On sonograms, dark represents fluid and light represents tissue.  The dark spot in the head is its brain, and the little arms are just below the head.  If you look close, you can also see little legs below the abdomen.

That was taken a month ago, and our books tell us that our little one is the size of a peach now.  We hope to learn the gender at the end of February, and have a safe delivery around July 17th.  Please keep praying for a healthy baby and mama.


  1. Wow! Sonograms sure are clearer than when Stephen was a babe.

    Prayers being sent for continued health and enjoyment of this very special time.
