Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy 5 months!

Today, we are excited to celebrate 5 months with Sarah! What a blessing she has been. Here are some of the highlights of the last month.

Weight: our home estimate gave her 20 lbs, though I doubt it is really that much
Height: long! Onesies not snapping are the first sign an outfit is too small, even if her sleeves cover her hands!
Head: ?
Diaper: Size 3- the past couple of nights she has mysteriously leaked on her clothes without getting the diaper wet...
Clothes: 6 month full time and 9 month are most comfortable for the torso
Likes: playing with her fingers, picking with her fingers, standing in the bouncer, smiling!, motorboat (buzzing her lips)
Dislikes: I can't think of any right now! She has grown out of most of last months.

Schedule: We are currently thriving on about a 4 hour schedule. Sarah is sleeping, eating, and pooping well. She is very flexible within this routine, which means that we have the opportunity to get much accomplished.

7:30 Wake, nurse, and cereal
9:00-11:30 Nap
11:30 Wake, nurse, and cereal
1:00 Nap
3:30 Wake, nurse, and cereal
5:00 Nap (only 30-45 and not always)
7:00 Nurse, then down for the night
10:00 Last feeding and back to bed

Hair: This month Sarah's hair fell out, with the exception of a few tufts right on the back of her neck. Every day it seems like more has grown back. It is coming in much fuller and very brown. We are excited to use our bows again!

Rolling: Sarah still only rolls to her right, from back to front. She definitely considers it an old trick and is now just as content to play on her back as her stomach. Standing up is probably her favorite way to play though, and she has big fun playing in the jumper.

Solids: We started feeding Sarah cereal a couple of weeks ago (12/1) when she was exhibiting what we read were classic signs of readiness. Namely, she showed great interest in what we were eating at meal time, opened her mouth, and holds her head up well. At each meal she nurses, eats 1T of rice cereal mixed with 3T pumped milk, then nurses again. "They" say that until 6 months the main source of nutrition still comes from nursing, but it is time to learn to eat from a spoon. Sarah is doing very well with this. We are working hard at not only getting the food in, but doing it in a disciplined and routine fashion.

Next appointment: Sarah has a routine check-up and shots on January 19 at the pediatrician. She also has (hopefully) her final check-up with the pediatric cardiologist in Plymouth with Boston Children's Hospital on January 20.

enjoying some lap time

eating our first bit of cereal

sometimes we have a tummy sleeper!


  1. I REALLY like how you post three times within 30 minutes! :)

  2. What a beautiful happy 5 month old!! I love your discription, Emily, of all of Sarah's activities and the photos are great.
    I have to say, you blog a lot more than David ever did and I am glad you have taken over that job.
    Today I worked outside, picking up all the branches that blew down during several hard winds. It was beautiful. House open, heat off, and actually I got very warm in jeans. Hope this last for your visit, but you never know in Florida. Love, Grandma

  3. Meghan- I actually intentionally posted these on different days to keep things interesting. Blogging fail! I'm not sure why whey all ended up here at the same time. Maybe I changed something and it reposted, though that isn't how it normally works. I must confess, I do usually write a couple at a time as things pile up in my head, but try to space out the releases.

    Grandmas Lynda- Keep up the nice warm weather!
