Monday, January 17, 2011

Things we Love About our Home

We moved in last Saturday, had a blast with Emily's family last week, and this morning have our first quiet morning in the new house.  What a refreshing experience.  It has very quickly started to feel like home here. 

As you might imagine, we are very thankful for this home.  We know this is only a shadow of the home that awaits us one day, but we are a bit overwhelmed to have such a nice place to dwell in now.  I think it might be best if we list some of our favorite things about this home so that you can thank God with us for how generous he's been to us even in this world.

Great Layout- We could have built our own home and thought forever on how to design it, and I don't think we would have come up with a more convenient layout than this one.  Everything is so close together, yet the rooms that need a little privacy have it.  There are so many more rooms than we asked for, but they are all easily accessible.  Emily can set Sarah down to play by herself in the living room and then work in the library or kitchen, on the other side of the house, without taking her eye off of her.

Ready to Host- There are several things we wanted and started to think we wouldn't be able to find, all of which had to do with hosting people.  But God has given us room for a big dining room table, a guest room, a half bathroom on the ground floor for guests, a sun room, and a big shady backyard.  We hope to use it all well.

Lots of Nooks and Storage Space- We have three attics, one of which is accessible via a normal door.  There is a two car garage, which is nearly unheard of on the Cape, and also a full unfinished basement.  I hope we don't fill it up with junk, but it is nice to know that we have somewhere to plug in a deep freezer or do a little woodworking. 

Outdoor Shower-  We have it on good authority that an outdoor shower is the one "necessary" luxury of Cape life.   

Room For a Garden and Composting- The backyard, apart from having some nice plants and trees already, has plenty of places for a compost heap and a garden. 

Windows- The windows are twice as tall as normal windows, going down almost to the floor.  It adds a lot of light and a very open feel to the house. 

Big Enough For a Family- We could easily turn the guest room into a boys room, turn the library into a nursery, and with some work and money one of the attics or the basement could be finished and made functional rooms.

God is good; that was true in our little Louisville apartment where we breathed mold spores from a leaky bathroom ceiling, and it would have been true if we have been forced out into the streets.  It's true here too, and I find it harder to mention when faced with material blessing.  I hope you'll join us in thanking God for his goodness to all of us and praying that we will live wisely in this home: taking good care of it, welcoming guests, and modeling His truth in our own lives. 

Finally, here are the tour videos we had on Facebook:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Emily, David, & Sarah,
    I love your discription of your home and feel like I have already visited. God is Great, and so glad you are able to live in such a nice home. Sarah will always remember this as her HOME!

    Lots of Love, Grandma
