Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day Fun! And Preaching!

Last year I had my first Father's Day, but this was my first one with a little girl to hold. What a treat to go upstairs and get her up this Father's Day morning! We had a good day, consisting of a home-cooked breakfast, Daddy preaching at church, a lunch on the new grill (itself another story) and a trip to the beach.

According to the good people at, a simple cut-and-paste on my part will put an audio player below that will allow you to listen to the sermon. Let me know if it works!

And, as it turns out, Sarah makes a very cute beach girl! Here's some proof:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dave for such and encouraging sermon! Emily I know you are blessed to have such a man of God!

    Laura Reynolds
