Sunday, December 2, 2012

MegaTrip: The Voyage Home

Part Nine in a series chronicling our first big family road trip. 

We had enjoyed ourselves tremendously, but it was time to go home. We could feel it. Even if we couldn't feel it, the responsibilities of life were waiting.

So we packed everything up one last time and said goodbye to Gigi and Pappy. We drove about two thirds of the way to stop in New York for the night, and then arrived home on the Cape the next afternoon. It was a fairly uneventful trip home, which is just how we wanted it.

It was a great vacation.

We had been all over the Eastern US, and loved every bit of it. We drove over 3,500 miles. We saw family, friends, and places we missed. Sarah got to play with children she still talks about. Josiah more than doubled his "state count." It was great. And we were tired.

So we started unpacking, went to bed, and I went to work the next morning. I had a renewed energy you would expect to have after such a vacation, even though my body was tired. It took a while to catch up with everything that had happened while I was gone, but that was more than worth the refreshment.

It's been over a month since we returned home. Autumn has turned to winter, and life is back to normal. It's actually even busier than normal, with Christmas and everything it brings in the air. But we still look back at all those memories often. And, as always, it is great to be home.

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