Monday, January 7, 2013

Josiah's Chocolate Muffin


On Sunday Sarah knows that after nursery we go to the gym. Once in the gym she immediately goes to the left and sits down against the wall. I will then bring her a bagel, muffin, piece of cake or other sweet sundry from the snack table.  This system was established to minimize crumbs and increase the likelihood that I could have a conversation during the coffee hour. It takes great strategy to have conversation these days!

Yesterday we did go to the early service and this routine played out like normal. When my arm went numb from holding Josiah, I sat him down next to Sarah and let him play with the handle of my purse. He was chewing on the strap. Sarah was eating a chocolate muffin. I wasn't free enough to enjoy a cup of coffee, but I was talking to the kind soul that came my way to say hi. Then this kind soul suddenly started laughing and pointing at my kids. I quickly turned to see what the matter could be. Was there blood? Was there mess? Were there tears? 

It seems that Josiah had pulled Sarah's arm back such that he got a perfect bite of her chocolate muffin without ever taking it out of her hand. She realized what happened, pulled her arm back, and quickly ate the remainder of her muffin. I went to trying to wipe the chocolate off my eight-month-old's mouth.

We all had a good laugh while Josiah continued to drool chocolate and Sarah licked up the crumbs.

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