Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy 33 months, Sarah!

As the seasons change here on the Cape and we begin to believe that Spring is really coming, we also see the wonderful changing and maturing of our little girl. She is a sweet blessing to our family!

Weight: ?
Height: ?
Clothes: 3T; shoe, size 6 or 7

Likes: pretending to be someone else (best when the whole family pretends to be another family), playing outside, collecting rocks/shells, reading, singing, tending to her babies

Dislikes: Josiah actually wanting to play with toys (sometimes), bugs, vacuum cleaners (doesn't have to be running, it's mere presence will keep her out of a room,) and specks of dirt or fuzz in the bathtub

Schedule: Sarah usually goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up around 7:30am. It is nice at this stage that she is able to stretch and get more or less sleep depending on what we have going on. She still goes down for her nap around 1pm and only sometimes sleeps. The rule lately has just been that she must remain quiet, so that Josiah will not wake up. She probably sleeps on average 3 days a week.

Eating: Sarah still likes eating and especially loves bread and cracker treats. Lately she has been a little picky and particular, but generally wanes under pressure. Favorites are yogurt, pretty much any and all fruit, peppers, string cheese (a.k.a. "Daddy cheese"), an open-faced peanut butter sandwich, and grilled cheese.

Talking: Sarah can say pretty much everything she wants to say- plus some! She loves connecting the dots and talking about the same things over and over. Favorite subjects are eye color, birth month, and gender. We also do a lot of singing during the day. We still sing Angels We Have Heard On High and The Solid Rock before bed.
Potty Training: She is doing really well. We don't put diapers on her for anything at this point and she has had about an accident a month for the last three months. We were a little concerned about travelling a few weeks ago, but she did really well and always told us when she needed to go. She still isn't close to going by herself yet, but we haven't pushed it.

Random, but fun:
* She went swimming for the first time this year in FL and loved it!
* She still doesn't really jump, so we have been practicing hoping like a frog. It is super cute...she doesn't get anywhere close to getting off the ground :)
* Sarah doesn't like to go up or down any vertical change without holding onto something. We suspected this and tested it walking from the sanctuary to the church office recently. Sure enough, she would wait for us to come back and give her a reassuring hand to hold or would put her hand on the ground. I think the doctor may say she might be lacking core strength (which is probably true to some degree), but we are quite sure she can do it and just doesn't have the confidence.
* Church is very exciting to Sarah. She loves to be in the service to clap and dance, but equally loves going to the nursery to play.

Next appointment: Monday, July 22, 2013 at 9:15am

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