Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy 15 months, Josiah!

We have had an exciting three months since Josiah's birthday! He is walking now and starting to say a few words. In general, we are on the brink of good communication, to which we greatly look forward. His little personality is really blooming!

Weight: 27 lbs 13 ozs (96%)
Height: 33.75 in (99%)
Head: 18.75 in (72%)
Diaper: cloth and size 5
Clothing: 18 and 24 month, some 2T, shoe- size 5/6

Likes: being chased, doing whatever Sarah is doing, digging, splashing, drawing on the magnadoodle, putting things in and taking them out (ex: crayons, markers), drum sticks and maracas, holding straws and silverware, playing peekaboo ("where's Siah?"), tickle time, playing on Daddy

Dislikes: being hungry in the car (I guess I can't blame him), being told no/having something taken from him, being put down when his plan is to be held

Schedule: We have been pretty much on target here lately, with the exception of travel and illness.

7 am: Wake and eat
7-9 am: Wake time
9-11am: Nap
11am: Wake and eat
11-1 pm: Wake time
1-3 pm: Nap
3 pm: Wake and eat
3-7 pm: Wake time
7 pm: Bed time!

Sleeping: For a while we thought Josiah might be beginning to drop his first nap, which I was not at all ready for. Sarah started going to one nap at 14 months, so I knew his resistance might not be a false alarm. Miraculously, he hasn't dropped the nap! He generally likes to go down for both naps and sleeps 1.5-2 hours (enough time for Mommy to do things!). I am thankful to say that he has been doing really well at night. He consistently sleeps until 7 or 7:30am now, which is such a blessing.

Eating: Josiah loves to down his cup of milk now, though if he isn't in his chair or being held, he is easily distracted. He is not distracted when it comes to eating, though. When he is hungry, he can put a lot of food in his belly. He definitely has preferences, but it is neat to see him liking some foods he didn't enjoy early on (like eggs). Favorites are grapes, mozzarella cheese, watermelon, pulled pork, and pizza. (Note that veggies didn't make the favorites' list . . . he eats them, but they are not his first choice!)

Moving: Josiah is walking well. He also squats, climbs the stairs (though we don't let him . . .), bounces/jumps on the couch, slides, and pushes (chairs, push carts, etc.).

Communication: His best words are still Mama and Dada. He has started mimicking words (and actions . . . he can both say and shake his head "no") and seems to really be soaking in what he hears and sees around him.

Teething: We seem to be past the really challenging ones. He had another two come through early this month that we didn't notice until they were all the way through. That brings the total to eight teeth.

Next appointment: Monday, November 4, 2013 at 10:20am

Library fun!

It warms my heart when they like to play together :)

"Just don't make eye contact and she won't know it was me . . ." 

Always love a sleeping baby!

Kids and their boxes

He kept this rubber duck's head in his mouth for a whole wake time.
This being my boy who would never take a pacifier!

Feeling legal, huh?

He has enough hair to be messed up!

Maybe a mohawk? Lot of kids get their mohawk along with their first bath,
but we waited until he was old enough to handle it :)

Somebody has some moves . . .

. . . and somebody likes it!

If our May 4 babies get married, this is being blown up bigger than life sized. You wait and see. Too cute.

Sarah wanted to hold Josiah's hand as we walked through the airport.

First time to watch the magic of Krispy Kreme unfold.

Hello, Gulf of Mexico!

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