Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vacation Part 2: Adventures in Our Nation's Capitol

One of the really exciting things about going to DC was that we got an extra day of fun (a day we would have been driving to Niagara Falls). So we arrived late Friday night and started our Saturday morning with a big breakfast (thanks for being such a good customer, Papa!). We set out to tackle the metro and take on the city. 

The Smithsonians were at the top of our to-do list since they are free and kid friendly. We started at the Natural History Museum where we saw a really neat photography exhibit, dinosaurs, one extra-large squid, the Hope Diamond, and lots of rocks. For lunch we took a break to eat a hotdog on the National Mall. We then quickly went through the American History Museum and saw an old American flag, famous guitars, dresses worn by First Ladies, and Dorthy's red slippers. By this point not even Sarah was excited to see sparkly shoes, so we headed back to the hotel for naps. We went back into town for the evening and walked around the White House.

The next morning we got on up, had another awesome breakfast, took the metro to Union Station, walked toward the Capitol, watched lead runners in the Marine Corps Marathon at about mile 15, continued walking around and marveling at the Capitol, and walked up the road to Capitol Hill Baptist Church for worship. We all had a great time at church, though perhaps Josiah the best of all, as he promptly fell asleep in the stroller on our walk to lunch. We enjoyed some yummy queso (a novelty on the Cape!) at Qdoba and headed back to the hotel for naps and football- go Pats! For our last evening in the Capitol City we walked past the White House, through the WWII Memorial, and up to the Lincoln Memorial. I think President Lincoln left quite an impression on Sarah who has spent the day telling us that President Lincoln died. The sun was setting as we walked through the campus of George Washington University to a Whole Foods to pick-up dinner to-go and hop on the metro to go back to the hotel.

Monday morning we enjoyed one last mega-breakfast and hit the road just before 10 a.m. We had several memorable potty stops along the way, but by the Lord's grace made it home just in time to get the kids settled into their own beds. It was a wonderful vacation full of good memories and rest from the normal routines of life these days. We return home with full and thankful hearts!

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