Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy 15 months, Lydia!

A lot has happened since September 5th! Most of that deserves a few posts of their own, but I'm not sure it will get its due. So we are forging ahead. And our baby girl is 15 months old! She has changed so much since her birthday. When we start measuring by quarters rather than months the difference is profound. Needless to say, it is a joy and a privilege to watch Lydia grow. We are thankful for each day (and sleepless night!) we have had with her and will treasure each we get with her in the days to come.

The adjective we use most often to describe Lydia is industrious. She takes care of business. This sometimes comes across as demanding and sometimes just genius. But she is ever watching, ever learning, and when you are least expecting takes you by surprise.

Weight: 29 lbs 4 oz (99th%)
Height: 32 in (88th%)
Head: 47 cm (82th%)

Diapers: size 5
Clothing: 18 and 24 month, 2T (most of our hand-me-downs are in storage, so we've been on repeat with the best outfits that still fit and are seasonally appropriate!)

Likes: slides, climbing on anyone who is on the floor, new-to-her toys, being in the bathroom (no privacy around here), creating a pretend phone out of anything, reading books (Good Night Cape Cod is her current go-to book), redistributing everything in the house slowly but surely, bath toys, shoes

Dislikes: not being picked up as fast as she would like, being put down unexpectedly, getting to the bottom of a cup of milk she really enjoyed

6:30-7am Awake for the day!
9:00-11am   Nap
1:00-3pm   Nap
7pm   Down for bed

Sleep: When we first moved Lydia went back to waking a time or two at night and needing us to put her pacy in. We had just gotten back to good sleep when she got teeth, then sinus trouble, and then a double ear infection. During that phase she was waking every hour for several nights and no one was getting good sleep! But as soon as she started the antibiotic she transitioned back to a good sleep cycle, though she still occasionally wakes before 7:00 and sometimes needs help with a pacy during the night.

Physically: She has at least the one new tooth (a molar I believe). She is getting a little more hair, though not quite enough for clipping in a bow. And she is a solid walker. Lydia isn't losing any baby rolls yet!

Food: Lydia continues to be a good eater. I wouldn't call her picky by any means, but when she isn't ravenous there are some foods she can give or take. Favorites in any situation would be crackers, peanut butter, bananas, grapes, yogurt, and cheese. And dum dums, which we learned we can't leaved in her vicinity. She can unwrap a sucker and pop it in her mouth faster than you might think!

Communication: Lydia still doesn't say very much, but sometimes I get the impression that she thinks she is saying more than we know. She makes a consistent sound for shoe and please (to the point she refuses to sign please), but she is really far from being able to repeat words. I wouldn't say she calls me Mama, but she has said Dada when she thinks Dave is walking up the stairs.

Fun things:
- She first had a sucker on Thanksgiving Day, much to our surprise. This is an instance where we throw up our hands and call her industrious :)
- Lydia stands at her booster chair when she is ready to eat.
- She likes to take things to people. She is constantly bringing me my phone, the big kids their correct water bottles, and taking the correct lovey to someone who is sad. I am kind of impressed that she can sense emotion like she does.
- She is having a great time in nursery and really likes the new-to-her toys.
- Our downstairs neighbor has a couple of dogs. Anytime Lydia hears them bark, she barks back! No need to worry about words though, she says . . . :)

(Not in any particular order, but our favorites from September 5 to December 5.)

Riding the big slide at the dairy barn in Bowling Green

Bubble chasing at the Newport aquarium

Every once and a while you do what you need to do to get some pacy

Playing with her long distance friend!

Those feet :)

Who wouldn't smile when you have this kind of help packing :)

She loves to brush her (lack of) hair :)

Such a happy girl at our new park

Krispy Kreme!

A new library . . . all at her fingertips!

Talking to a new friend who came to play

"I wouldn't have to climb out if you would just pick me up!"

The sucker she found and commandeered on Thanksgiving :)

Chipotle tastes just right on vacation


  1. I have been waiting for your next blog and this was well waiting for. The photos are wonderful and it sure sounds like you have had challenging times and lots of loss of sleep. Hope those times are over. What an adorable little girl. Would love to pick her up and hold her right now. Lots of love, Grandma Lynda

  2. Wow, she really has changed a lot in the past few months! Can't wait to see her again and give her a squeeze! I love the picture of all the kids in the suitcase :)

  3. Yes, the kids helping you pack is a great photo. So fun. Love, Aunt Susan
