Thursday, November 2, 2017

Happy 15 months, Anna!

Anna is a charmer. She is quiet and calm, so when she turns on a smile or giggle it is entirely infectious. We are getting a better glimpse at the appearance and personality that she'll have and we are smitten :)

Weight: 26.3 lbs (95th%)
Height: 31.5 in (82th%)
Head: 46.5 cm (73th%)

Diapers: size 5
Clothing: 18/24 month, 2T

Likes: hanging with the big kids, destroying puzzles, chasing balls, being in a lap, doing "touch down," being tickled

Dislikes: being left alone, taking medicine, being sick

7am Awake for the day!
9:00-11am   Nap
1:00-3pm   Nap
7pm   Down for bed

Sleep: Things are mostly better in this department- praise the Lord! We have dropped the dream feed and she is (finally!!!) getting good long sleep. Dave and I are big believers in long sleep for healthy growth and have mourned the lack of long sleep for our Anna. Quite recently she had a really rough patch, but her doctor noted at the well visit that she has about 5 teeth popping through and could be having a growth spurt. I think she may be ready to drop the morning nap, but I'm not sure that I'm ready.

Physically: Right now she is holding steady with her six faithful teeth, but I think we'll have a change in the tooth count soon! Her hair is getting longer and we have started pulling it into a little pony in the front. It is pretty adorable. The biggest news is that she has started pulling up- yay! She isn't anywhere near walking, but she is a fast crawler and we are seeing steady improvement. Her fine motor skills appear to be on track.

Food: Anna still likes purees, so we usually give her some finger foods to work on while we fix a meal for the rest of the kids. After that, she get purees. Favorites are apple sauce, blueberries, and crackers. Her iron is back within the range of normal, but just barely. So we are continuing to give her fortified cereal and other iron rich foods.

Communication: She is a chatty girl, but doesn't say much! She sometimes does her sign for "all finished" and she loves to say "Dadda". I'm telling you, she won't need to learn any other words if she keeps grinning and saying "Dadda"! She also says a version of "touch down" along with the motion in response to "What does Tom Brady throw?" Parenting priorities, people. But it doesn't sufficiently impress the doctor who wants 15 words by 18 months, so we're keeping an eye on the word count.

Fun things:
- Anna likes to be where the action is, and that often means that she hangs out in our bathroom while we are getting ready in the morning.
- We are officially at the stage where the kids have to put puzzles up high and keep doors closed if they don't want Anna to get into them.

"Mooommmm. This suit is a little small . . . "
Sorry, Anna, that your swim suit didn't cover your belly.
But hey, first time in the ocean!!!

She didn't love the moment as much as we did :)

Her brother and sisters make her laugh like nobody else.
He was giving her rides around the house by pushing her in the toy basket.

Cool kids.

Enjoying Lydia's birthday to the fullest.

Lydia forgot her shoes when we went grocery shopping, so Anna got her first ride in the big kid cart.

At a friend's birthday party . . . turned out she had strep that day.
(It is so funny to look back at a moment when you know the more full story!)

She stands!!!!!

We were pretty excited about all the pulling up  :)

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