Monday, October 24, 2022

Happy 8 years, Lydia!

She is EIGHT!

Weight: 74lbs (90%)
Height: 4' 4.5" (80%)
Clothing size: 8/10
Shoe size: 2/3

Likes: dancing, crafting, reading, playing with the neighbors


7am Lydia is usually the first one down in the morning! She likes to choose yogurt with granola for breakfast. 

8am (or before!) School begins. This year she is learning to type and loves it!

11am Lunch time. Lydia likes leftovers and turkey sandwiches.

After lunch she helps clean up, finishes any school work that is left, and reads or plays in her room. 

Once everyone is mostly done for the day she heads out to play with the neighbors. They like to draw with chalk, bike, learn dances, and imaginary play.

5:30pm Dinner time. Lydia loves mac and cheese and often doesn't love meat.

7pm She gets ready for bed and reads for about half an hour before turning off her reading light. We love spending our days with Lydia!

Fun things:
- She played soccer this fall and loved being goalie.
- She took dance over the summer and is participating in an outreach dance crew during the school year. Their season is a little shorter than most classes and they perform at nursing homes once a month rather than participating in the studio recital. 
- I'd say this is the year that she became a confident swimmer. Things clicked during swim lessons and she moved up several levels.

A Chronological Look at the Past Year

Riding the carousel at the Seminary Fall Fest

Receiving what has become a favorite

Apple picking

Starbucks school is the best kind of school


Her portrait for her bear

Catching a wave at the Children's Museum

Helping cook


Goalie skills!

This little hole in the rock at Zion was a favorite

Bryce Canyon

Sunrise at Zion

Holding up Balance Rock at Arches


Beautiful girl on a beautiful soccer Saturday

Checking Anna's ear with the otoscope


She passed several levels during swim lessons

Decorating cookies for 4H

Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL

Her friend made matching bracelets

4th of July face painting

Lydia wanted to decorate her birthday cake

She made a butterfly!

Eight years old!

Ended her birthday with a rainbow dinner

What a special year with our dear Lydia!

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