Thursday, April 8, 2010

From Dave on his Birthday

28 years ago yesterday, my Mother brought me into this world.  I'm told it wasn't the simplest delivery in history, but that we all made it.  The Lord used her and my father to make me into the man I am today, for better or worse.  When thinking of how to best celebrate this, Emily set her mind to a difficult and meaningful task: make the cake my mother always used to make for my birthday. 

Two layers of chocolate cake, some creme d' menthe icing, some chocolate icing, a pack of Andes candies, and a few stressful hours later, and we had this little beauty in front of us.  It was quite a work of art.  We shared it with some friends after a lunch at Chick-Fil-A. 

Now I sit the evening after and think through such a great birthday.  My wife's planning, baking, and thoughtful gift-giving have been quite the blessing, as have the gifts many of you have sent.  My life is different now than it was a year ago, and it will likely be very different when I turn 29.  But only death will stop the consistency of her love for me for the rest of my birthdays.  If I turn 100, I hope I to do it next to her.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, You did good!

    Looks yummy and I bet it tasted the same.
