Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sarah Update

Some random things going on in Sarah's life at three months, two weeks, and four days.


1. ... is finally starting to lose hair, primarily on the left side of her head. It is pretty funny looking and I am worried that if the pattern continues to the rest of her head we may have to go bow-less for a while. No indication of a possible change in hair color.

2. ... likes to lift her bottom when on her back. So far she enjoys playing with her knees, but has yet to find her feet.

3. ... has started gently grabbing things. What she used to just eye and maybe bat at, she is now holding onto and...

4. ... puts everything into her mouth! I can't wait to see what all will go into her mouth when she is crawling. Even her thumb occasionally makes it in.

5. ... doesn't roll over yet, but seems very close to sitting up. Her favorite is for someone to hold her hips so that she can be in a sitting or standing position. She is lifting her head and upper body really well during tummy time.

6. ... makes the sweetest noises. Over the past couple of weeks she has really found her singing voice and loves to coo. It is so fun to listen to/interact with. She has declared that her favorite Old Testament king is King "Agur".

7. ... is living the scheduled life. Sarah currently eats at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and 10. She sleeps a little between every feeding, going right back to sleep after her 10:00 meal. We are considering moving her to a 3.5 hour schedule since she is a "healthy" girl and generally has to be woken up in order to eat.

8. ... thoroughly enjoys bath time. Since Mom and Dad have learned how to dry her off without setting her down, bath time is big fun.

9. ... smiles like it's her job. And she is good at her job! It doesn't matter who is smiling at her or even if she is crying, she can't help but smile back.

10. ... makes the cutest faces when we go outside. I think she really likes the wind and the cool air!


I love napping in my front carrier.

Ok, Mom, I'll be cute for the new iPhone.

Where's my thumb? Found it!

Bundled up and ready to walk!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah you are too cool! Way to be an interesting and fun baby!

    That was such a cute blog Emily! Hope you all are enjoying the North.

