Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Fruit!

I want to eat, eat, eat apples and pears!

All new purees for Sarah. Yesterday I chopped, steamed, and processed a few apples and a bag of pears. So far, Sarah is a big fan!


  1. Ems you're such a great mom! I always knew you would be, but it's so fun to get to see how much of a natural you are at all of this! And you never babysat--Lisa and I did all the work for you & you just "gleaned" from our stories I guess. Haha!! :)

  2. You ladies gave me lots of good stuff to "glean" from! I must admit, I am a pureeing machine. I don't know what we are going to do when she stars eating finger food :) I am only a natural as much as the Lord equips me!
