Sunday, March 27, 2016

From the mouths of babes . . .

(See this post for a similar story about Sarah.) 

The kids were all at each other a few Sunday afternoon's ago as they cleaned up from a little too much nap time fun. Even Lydia was in on the bickering. Several times we called them into the living room to talk to them about the things we were hearing. At one point Dave had both Sarah and Josiah standing before him and talked to them, again, about looking out for the interests of others before their own interests. This has been a theme in our home lately and means lots of asking, “Sarah, what do you think Josiah would most like right now” and “Josiah, how could you best love Sarah.” Dave started in on this line of reasoning and Josiah responded with something like, “well, Dad, I think Sarah most wants to fight, so I should probably keep fighting with her.” 

We weren’t able to hide our laugher. 

The situation was diffused and we all relaxed a little and had a good chuckle. And Dave clarified that fighting with each other was never an option, plus it wasn’t really what Sarah was hoping for. Sarah thought through what Josiah needed and the clean-up job happened slowly, but surely. These are the hard, precious, mundane moments that we treasure so dearly.

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