Thursday, October 27, 2011


Sarah has a new found fear of my hair drier. She often hangs out in the bedroom while I get ready in the bathroom, but never before has drying my hair been an issue. For the last week or so not only does her little lip turn down and her eyes moisten when I use the hair drier, even seeing in makes her scurry for someones knees. Being the mean mother that I am, I even tested this theory so that Dave could see. With both Sarah and Dave in the bathroom I opened the bottom drawer of our vanity and Sarah peeked in. She quickly turned away, started crawling up Dave's leg, and let out one of her good cries that starts long and silent. Theory proven.

I'm not sure how her fear began, but I am now a mom who has to schedule time to dry my hair. It is the little laughs that make this job so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Raymond and I get our giggles by pulling the vacuum cleaner out of the closet. Abigail turns around and tries to run away so quickly that she falls over most of the time!
