Monday, April 9, 2012

36 Week Appointment

I'm telling you, these visits feel like they are on top of one another. I can't believe how the weeks are flying by! Five days and we will be full term. That is exciting business!

The visit today was without incident, praise the Lord. Baby Brother's heart beat was between 120 and 130bpm and my blood pressure was normal. The doctor didn't measure my tummy, but did give the little guy a good feel. He said that his head is still down, then felt some more, then asked how big our first child was. I told him 8lbs 5ozs and he nodded. He went on to predict that we will have another nice size baby. I would be fine with that! They seem less breakable at that size :)

On Saturday morning I am going to a refresher course at the hospital. There I will learn all about their procedures and get an official tour of the labor and delivery unit. I look forward to being full prepared (or as prepared as possible) for this little guy's big arrival!


  1. Dear Emily,

    Thank you for sharing your life, expetations, and all about that little guy who will meet the great big world soon.

    I love you so much, Grandma Lynda

  2. Ahhh! I can't believe Baby Brother is coming so soon! I'm so excited for you guys and will be praying for you.

  3. Wow I can't believe you guys are so close to being due! Congratulations! We're praying for a wonderful safe delivery!
