Wednesday, April 18, 2012

37 Week Appointment

Sarah and I made the weekly trek to see the doctor Tuesday morning. She was still unsure about being in a doctor's office, but only cried as they were taking my blood pressure. Whew! With her fear of doctors, it had the potential to be a really challenging morning! They did their normal routine and said everything continues to look normal. I saw the nurse practitioner this time. As she felt Baby Brother she asked how big Sarah was, just like the doctor did last week. I guess the consensus is that this little guy doesn't feel too small! She also asked how long my labor was (around 14 hours) and said that we could expect things to move a little faster this time around. Can't wait to see what happens!

I went to a class at the hospital Saturday morning that was very encouraging. The combination of having the house painted (that is worthy of its own blog post!) and becoming familiar with the hospital was enough to settle my heart...I think we are pretty much prepared for this little guy's arrival! The class started with the local procedures. This included who to call when labor begins, where to go at different times of the day, and what to expect in terms of personnel and equipment on the maternity floor. It is a much smaller operation than our experience in Louisville. One couple at the class lives on Nantucket- it was really neat to hear their plan! We then went upstairs for a tour and got to see a prepped room. Two big things I took away from this part of the morning: Dave should bring something to sleep on and we need to take food with us or have some menus from nearby restaurants. The cafeteria is only opened 7am-7pm! In the last section we watched videos on car seat safety, birth (the guys all squirmed), and pain relief options, medical and non-medical, that the hospital and nurses can offer. It was a great refresher and is really nice to be thinking through these things. My mind has been so full of paint colors, Sarah, Dave's birthday, and church things that I had not given birth much thought until this point. Getting excited and prepared to meet our little man!


  1. So for the Nantucket couple - Helicopter, boat, plane, Sea-doo? I'm curious about the plan.

    Aunt Susan

  2. Well, they thought they might have to have a C-section, in which case they would just schedule it a few weeks early. They said that if their problem resolved and they didn't have to have a C-section, they are supposed to hop on a ferry at the first sign of possible labor. If it is after the last ferry they take a plane! Fascinating, right?! It makes our 15 minute drive look like a piece of cake!
