Monday, April 30, 2012

38 and 39 Week Appointments

38 Weeks

There really wasn't much to report from this visit, so I spared us all an update. Everything still measured on track and I promised the doctor I would call with any questions.

39 Weeks

The visit this morning had the potential to be really exciting. For the first time they did a little more thorough exam. It was exciting in that everything still seems to be progressing nicely. It was a little anticlimactic in that I am not dilated at all- the doctor said he might give it 1 cm. The baby is also "floating" in the pelvis, so, while head down, has not yet descended.

I like this doctor's take on this part of pregnancy. He is thorough and thoughtful without just following "the book" for "the book's" sake. He reminded us that while at that very moment there wasn't any progress toward labor, it is still very realistic that labor could begin any moment. At this point he wasn't worried about size and doesn't put too much stock in estimating or worrying over the little guy's size, since, as he noted, you also don't know how my body would handle a certain size without giving labor a chance. Looks like they will only check on baby and his environment if we have a concern or make it to our 41 week appointment....which would be 2 weeks from today. Yikes!

Dave's parents arrived yesterday just as church was ending, so Dave got to go to this appointment with me and meet the doctor. He also got to ask if he could "quarterback" this time around. The doctor readily said yes without any qualifications. We'll have to pack Dave's winning jersey!

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