Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life Is Like...

This post was written about a month ago after folding laundry and then got lost in all the excitement!

Forrest Gump famously said that life is like a box of chocolates. What's my life like right now? Maybe a lot like a fresh pile of clean laundry.

This pile of laundry is clean, but huge and overwhelming. And will eventually go at least four different directions. But first it has to be folded and sorted a hundred different ways.

So I look for something quick and familiar. A sock! The sock gets thrown in the sock pile to be matched up at the end. Check. My pile is one sock smaller.

Then I see one of Dave's white undershirts. That is pretty straight forward. I fold it and grab a few more white shirts near the top of the pile to fold and stack. The pile is diminishing.

Now I can see some hanging clothes that should have been picked out first so they wouldn't wrinkle so much. C'est la vie. They get hung up. My pile is much less intimidating now.

The process continues one familiar item at a time. Some things, like towels, take a little extra time and effort to put away. Others, like underwear, are quick, but plentiful. Eventually, the pile is no more.

Similarly, the day ahead often seems overwhelming as Dave is walking out the door for work. So I inwardly freak out a little, then grasp for something, one thing, that I can do. Clean up from breakfast. Brush my teeth. Stuff the diapers. Make the bed. I choose one, just one, and do it. One thing at a time, things are accomplished. Sometimes I am not as efficient as I should or could have been (like the wrinkled shirts). But before I know it, life feels a little under control.

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