Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy 6 months, Josiah!

We are halfway to one year and it just feels like we have enjoyed the longest summer of our lives. But as the days cool off, it is easier to step back and see that our little guy is growing up. We are reminded to pray regularly that like Jesus he would "increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man." And may the Lord grant us the wisdom to parent him to that end!

Weight: 20lbs 12 oz (94%)
Length: 28.25 in (97%)
Head:17.25 (65%)

Diaper: size 3/4 and cloth
Clothing: 9-12 month

Likes: sweet tickles, smiling, jumping, chewing things, spinning/rolling during tummy time to find more things to chew, watching Sarah do anything, getting just a little scared

Dislikes: Sarah crying, tummy pains, getting a little too scared

Schedule: As always, things are crazy and we are doing our best to roll with that. We all still do best with a little routine though! This is what we shoot for:

7 am: Wake and nurse
7-8 am: Wake time
8-11am: Nap
11am: Wake and nurse/cereal
11-12 pm: Wake time
12-3 pm: Nap
3 pm: Wake and nurse
3-4:30 pm: Wake time
4:30-5:30 pm: Nap
5:30-7 pm
7 pm: Wake and nurse/cereal and back to bed not much later

Sleep: Little Man is doing well. He usually falls asleep quickly and wakes up happy. We are close to the point of consistency such that if he was upset we would know something was wrong. I like to know when something is wrong :)

Food: We (finally!!!) started feeding him rice cereal on Tuesday, 11/6. He loves it and is quickly getting good at managing to swallow off a spoon. Once he is consistent with the cereal and we get to three meals a day we'll add in a veggie.

Tricks (physical and verbal): Tummy time is still a favorite, but he definitely doesn't stay on the mat for long. He has learned that with a combination of rolling (goes both ways now) and scooting he can always find something to put in his mouth. The jumper is also still lots of fun. He has started doing some talking, mostly when he is extremely happy, extremely sad, or extremely tired. "Mawmawmawmaw" was the first consonant he used.

Fun facts:         
-His eyes are at the grayish navy end of blue.
-Hair is still light, getting a little longer, and really bald in one spot on the back. That particular spot is so slick!
-He does lots of rolling in his crib. We never know quite where he will be when he wakes up.
-The mess he can make with his splashing during bath time is impressive. The boy can kick.
-When we leave him a bottle for nursery, he eats something like 10 ounces. It is so big. I don't think he eats that much normally, but just doesn't seem to have an "off" when it comes to eating from a bottle. 

Next appointment: Monday, December 10, 2012, 8:00am for the second round of his flu shot
                                    Monday, February 4, 2013, 10:20am

Sleeping baby :)

We call this the "two finger throwback"

Watching the fish at the pediatricians' office

"Yeah, I've got this. I don't fear you, Doctor!"

Sarah doing tummy time...on Siah

The smile of sweet success after his first roll from tummy to back

An "I think I like this, but don't want to show it too much" smile

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