Saturday, November 24, 2012

MegaTrip: A Trip within a Trip

Part Seven in a series chronicling our first big family road trip. 

I like vacation so much that I actually took a vacation from our vacation.

The first half of our trip had ended, and it was time for me to go home and be with our church family. It isn't fair to ask the church to go three weeks without its worship leader, so I flew home to practice with our team and lead them on the second Sunday of our vacation. Meanwhile, Emily stayed behind in Mississippi with the kids and her parents. I wasn't looking forward to being away from them, but I was glad to be seeing our people and to catch up on some studying while flying. I was a little behind on the theological reading I had been meaning to do.

Emily rose early with me to see me off on the shuttle. The first plane ride was uneventful, and I knocked out half of a book. But when I arrived, I realized that the seemingly small change the airline had made to my flights actually left me with a four hour layover. I didn't want to do that much reading.

After doing the math a few times, I realized that it was actually possible to take the Metro around Washington D.C., eat lunch, and make it back with more than enough time to catch my second flight. So that's what I did. 6 Dollars of subway fare and a few blocks on foot later, and I was walking around the National Mall.

It was a beautiful, sunny day for walking. I spent an hour or so walking around, went to the first random museum I could find, tried to comprehend the African idols on display in it, found a Chick-Fil-A food truck, ate lunch in the subway terminal and rode back to the airport. Adventure accomplished.

After the second uneventful flight, I took the bus back to Hyannis, where we had left my car. I had traveled by shuttle, plane, subway, foot, bus, and car. And I had totaled more than 1,000 miles. A good night's sleep had me ready for Friday in the office.

Saturday I practiced with the worship team and ran some wires underneath the church with the tech team. Crawling around underneath floors that were built before electricity was discovered is quite fun. I spent Sunday morning with the church and then participated in a Church Constitution meeting before making a two-flight trip back to Mississippi. Emily was there to greet me, and boy was I glad to see her.

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